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关于”有相信的小“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:There are small people who believe。以下是关于有相信的小的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There are small people who believe

The purpose of this cartoon is to let us realize the importance of mutual trust, which is undeniable. Mutual trust is conducive to social harmony. People with different personalities, experiences, ways of thinking and backgrounds can better understand and communicate, so as to reduce unnecessary conflicts and frictions.

It further illustrates the importance of mutual trust. I would like to take an empirical evidence as an example. The main point is the investigation conducted Some websites show that about half of white-collar workers prefer to work with colleagues they trust.

In my opinion, almost all white-collar employees regard mutual trust as a lubricant for effective cooperation, and the power of mutual trust should not be underestimated at any time. Moreover, we should trust people as much as possible and try our best to influence those who do not trust others, so that they can live in a more harmonious world.




Believe in yourself, you will win. Sometimes we will encounter a lot of difficulties and sadness. We can cry or laugh, but we should not give up our dreams.

We should try to smile. Life is like a colorful stage. There are many sad things on the stage.

When we fail to pass the exam, we should not feel unhappy. We should continue to insist. We must encourage ourselves, Cheer up, believe in yourself, don't take an optimistic attitude towards yourself, you will be successful, because believe is an important factor in success, believe in yourself is to have self-confidence when encountering difficulties in school, I believe in myself, I can overcome any difficulties in life, because I am a confident girl, have the ability to do what I want to do, and a successful life is a happy experience And sad journey, you believe in yourself, you will win.




Maybe it's because when parents don't trust their children, or they don't allow them to believe in their own things, parents doubt their children in the same situation. But I think it's not good if children don't get trust from their parents, then children will surprise their parents now or even worse, I don't know what to say.




标签: 高三 作文 真题

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