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关于”青少年在的变化“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Changes in youth。以下是关于青少年在的变化的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in youth

When I was a teenager, I felt too confused. I wanted to prove that I was mature enough to get rid of parents' care for most teenagers. They were in a stage of near maturity, but they were not strong enough for parents and teachers.

They had to deal with the changes of teenagers in the right way, or they would do some negative things. Teenagers should change first There are many reasons for this change. Their bodies grow so fast that they can't adjust their emotions.

Their physical changes make them feel different from others. They don't know how to do it. So they feel annoyed and want to disguise themselves for their parents.

They have to realize that their children should not be treated like children when they grow up. Second, parents must I know that teenagers go through many stages in their adolescence, so when their children become rebellious, they need to understand them, rather than quarrel with them. Give them some time, they will overcome their emotions.

Adolescence is a special stage, the changes of teenagers will make parents and teachers worry, but I don't think they should be so harsh on them, just Be their friend.




In the recent school life, I have nothing to do with my school work every day. If I was alone, I would only play and go shopping with my friends. Sometimes I would sleep outside, sometimes I would watch TV programs or watch Korean dramas in the evening.

If I had some pocket money, tomorrow would be the day of school resumption, I would ask some friends to have a drink with me. I have a kind of regret I regret that I didn't do anything. I should be beaten by my mother.




The amateur life of Chinese teenagers, especially their spare time life, is addicted to playing computer games, KTV, drinking, smoking, dancing and night walking. Some good teenagers study hard and help their parents do some housework. Because some teenagers' parents always indulge their children's impulse, these teenagers don't know how to work hard because they can get everything they want from their parents.

Of course, we can't blame these young people, because this is a problem for the whole of China. This problem occurs in the construction of the whole society. Quite a number of young people are very good, but these good teenagers will be corrupted by those bad teenagers and even the KTV of the whole society,.




标签: 初一 作文 真题 青少年

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