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关于”父母的性格对我的影响“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The influence of my parents' character on me。以下是关于父母的性格对我的影响的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of my parents' character on me

The influence of parents on their children this cartoon has left a deep impression on the most common social phenomenon about children's independence. Let's take a closer look at this painting. The girl tells her mother that she has been admitted to her mother's University.

She is proud to choose the author. Her real purpose is not painting itself, but to guide us to understand what is hidden behind the picture, next In the sentence, I venture to explore the reasons. China's one-child policy has made more and more parents pay attention to their children.

They want to do anything for their children. Parents do not believe that their children have enough ability to handle their own private affairs and make any decisions. Here are some suggestions for our parents.

On the one hand, our parents should realize that their children will grow up and have their own ideas over time. On the other hand, they should encourage their children to make some decisions on their own so that they can pursue what they really want. I believe that our parents should give them free hand in some things and help them to be independent.





It is well known that women generally live longer than men because men are more stressed than women, but a study has found that personality also affects longevity. People older than the experiment were older than years. The results show that extroverts live longer.

The conclusion of the experiment is helpful to cultivate a person's good character, that is, a person who is compassionate and more willing to cooperate with others. When he encounters difficulties, it is easy to understand that he likes to share happiness and sadness with his friends. Many friends will help him, so his pressure in the family will be less, because parents' behavior has a great influence on their children, and they will decide their own What kind of personality will children have? Optimistic parents will lead their children to a better future and live happily.

Long term personality can not determine people's fate, but we can learn to make some changes. To be a better person and a healthy person means physical and mental health.





My mother is very ordinary. She is a good mother. Once, I did very poorly in the exam.

I was afraid she would blame me, and then hide the fact that I came home from school. My mother didn't say anything. But my heart finally came to an era.

My mother said, if a man has no courage to bear, then what can he be trusted by others? With her gone, I thought in my heart that my mother was in my right place I should not tell my mother, I finally got up the courage to explain everything to my mother. My mother said with a smile that you have the courage to bear it. My mother believes you will do well in the next test.

I will try my best to do well in the next time. My mother said what your mother said.




标签: 专升本 作文 万能 性格 父母

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