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关于”贴近生活“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Close to life。以下是关于贴近生活的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Close to life

My winter vacation, I have a happy winter vacation, because I go to many places first. I go to Liannan to climb mountains and visit some old houses. In the evening, I go to Longmen and we go to the hot spring.

My mother's friend said, "there are a lot of squirrels in Nankun mountain", which is very interesting. I really want to see the monkeys, but we didn't have time to go there. I was very sad.

Later, we went to other places, such as Xiqiao, Guangzhou and so on. I like my colorful winter vacation. What about your vacation.





How will the world be different in the next few years? It will be difficult to predict the future, but we can try to predict the future. I think people will have robots at home and they won't use money. All the things are free.

Books will only be on the computer, not on paper. Children won't go to school. They will use computers at home to learn.

This will be the only chance in the world. Me, too Think people will live to the age of.




Trust between friends is very important to us. Everyone has his own friends. We share sadness and happiness with our friends.

We make new friends from time to time, but it is difficult to find true friends. Trust between friends is difficult to establish. If trust exists, trust between friends is very difficult to establish.

Friends can say anything. They are willing to show who they are in front of In the face of friends, if trust does not exist, friendship is not really deep. When they encounter difficulties, people will ask you that true friendship is built on trust.

My best friend will never ask me to do anything. On the contrary, she cares about me and comforts me when I am sad. That is the true friend.




标签: 高中 四级 作文 满分 生活

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