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关于”问候“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:to greet。以下是关于问候的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:to greet

I really appreciate what you have done for me, and I appreciate your patience and generosity, but as we all know, every good thing will come to an end. I hope your tomorrow will be better and better. Take care of yourself.

I will remember your best wishes for you. I hope we can continue our topic when we meet again online. Thank you.




People always talk about age, because age reflects their psychological state, which is a common phenomenon. Despite different family, social or cultural backgrounds, age is a sensitive period. People will face a turning point at this age.

They meet new challenges in western countries. Traditionally, young people will receive a key to their parents' door at this age, As a symbol of adulthood, at this age, people will ask themselves, where should future college students go? They are excited about the prospect of starting their career in a year. As the global economic recession intensifies, some people have done so to reduce their ambition.

They will realize that reality, not depression, is the solution of this era, and it is also true A time to go out of your comfort zone is a time to explore the outside world. When you are ready to do so, you have always been protected by your family. You should bravely meet new challenges, go out of the protection zone, and be ready to open a new chapter in your life.

When people reach this age and mean that they are adults, they should be responsible for themselves, fearless and welcome Take on new challenges.




I had a great Chinese New Year. My parents and I visited my grandparents. They lived in the suburbs.

When we got there, they were busy preparing dinner. I saw my uncles, aunts, and cousins there. We helped my grandparents make dumplings.

After dinner, my cousins and I went out to play with fire and set off firecrackers. It was cold, but we had a good time.




标签: 小升初 作文 真题 范文

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