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关于”英国美国语言的区别“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Differences between British and American languages。以下是关于英国美国语言的区别的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Differences between British and American languages

First of all, in terms of spelling, American English is generally easier to spell. For example, English people write "color", Americans Write "color" and spell words with double letters, such as "staff". British people pronounce "double F", while Americans only say "F".

There are also some differences in pronunciation, which have little effect on me. The difference is that I should recognize the two and use either of them.


首先,在拼写方面,一般来说美式英语的拼写比较容易。例如,英国人写“color”,美国人写“color”用双字母拼写单词,如“staff”,英国人发音为“double f”,而美国人只说“f”。在发音上也有一些差异,它们对我影响不大不同的是我应该认识到两者并使用它们中的任何一个。


Generally speaking, American English and British English are different in pronunciation and use of words. For example, when a learner hears pronuciatian /'li: 3er /, he knows that it means "leisure", but in Britain, he has to read it as /'le3e / as for the spelling differences, you can easily find them, and then you use a letter on your computer to check the spelling of the United States As time goes on, Lagrange changes little by little in different pants in the world, so we must pay more attention to this difference when we learn English.




He just came home / he just came home, I just had lunch / I just had lunch, dare, used to her not staying in the dark / she didn't dare to stay in the dark, Tom didn't need to go with them / Tom didn't need to go to entertainment / Entertainment Sports / sports stands / weekend stations / midnight on the weekend / on the train / on the train / in the hospital / going to college / going to university in the morning / the day after tomorrow all day.




标签: 英文 七年级 作文 万能 区别

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