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关于”外貌美“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Beautiful appearance。以下是关于外貌美的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Beautiful appearance

I choose wisdom. We often hear this word now. We need wisdom, wisdom tradition, wisdom school.

Each of us hopes to have more wisdom, and we also hope that others will have wisdom. Too much human harm and suffering comes from a lack of intelligence. We all long for wisdom, but what qualities do we have in such a high reputation? Different people point out that the change from data to information and then to knowledge.

In the mode of data producing information, information from different situations is summarized as the continuous development of knowledge. It shows that the things derived from knowledge will lead to the emergence of a new level, which we call wisdom. But what does knowledge give us, so that we can transcend knowledge, and through knowledge we learn how to act It's in our own interest whether this decision will lead to greater happiness, or greater pain.

In this case, the kindest way to respond is from love or insecurity. Wisdom reflects the values and standards we apply to knowledge. Its essence is to distinguish between right and wrong.

It helps to identify wise people from harmful truths and delusions. They are generally regarded as They have learned what is important. Now, human beings have a lot of knowledge.

But Buckminster Fuller called the wisdom of our last evolutionary test, which is whether our species is suitable for survival and whether we can develop wisdom So that we can use our great power for our own benefit, and for the benefit of many generations, and then the question arises: what can we do to promote the development of wisdom? Where is the spiritual tradition found in the human culture to have its value? They are usually regarded as simple religions, but most of them are Great religions are sown by wise people who, in one way or another, become aware of deeper truths in life, and then seek to share their wisdom with others we need to rediscover. Our own wisdom has inspired so many traditions and how to make our wisdom active.




Is appearance more important than ability? Old people often tell young people not to judge people by their appearance, which means that ability is more important than appearance. However, nowadays, more and more interviewers pay attention to appearance and appearance of candidates. Many people come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than ability.

For me, I don't agree with this view. Good appearance is pleasant, but ability is more important because it shows one's cultivation and practical value. It shows one's efforts and glory to obtain something through hard work.

Beautiful appearance does not mean personal struggle. In addition, sometimes a beautiful face can help a girl get a good position, but in the long run, it is her talent, not her appearance, that really matters. Therefore, in the development of her career, people without beauty need not feel depressed, because a person's success depends on his ability.

A good appearance doesn't bring a person the ultimate success, so only hard work.





Looking back on the past, we can see that there are wise men in every dynasty and every era of human history. It is the wisdom of these people that shaped and changed the track of history. Their wisdom has become the topic of our daily conversation and the focus of our history books and even rumors.

Chairman Mao has no wisdom. If Edison does not have wisdom, we will not have new China and me If Edison did not have wisdom, we would probably still live in the dark. If Einstein had no wisdom, we would not have understood the universe, space and time like ordinary people.

We don't need to be wise as I said just now, but we still need to learn and strive to obtain wisdom in our daily life. Wisdom is necessary for our study, work and even entertainment. We may not be great people, but at least we can be decent.




标签: 英文 八年级 作文 万能 外貌

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