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关于”描述你的学校“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Describe your school。以下是关于描述你的学校的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe your school

Quanzhou, my hometown, is known as the cultural capital of East Asia. The starting point of the maritime Silk Road, the seashore and the city of light, "look at the underground of Xi'an, and look at Quanzhou". Walking in the center of the city, the eternal heritage will still appear again and again, both restrained and unrestrained.




In fact, most people have their own British Festival parties, including me. In ancient China, different people have their own views on life in Britain. Eating noodles is an ancient custom, which means people will live a long life.

But now it is more and more common in Chinese families. My birthday parties often invite my classmates and friends to my home or restaurant for dinner. We used to eat together, To KTV, but now I think birthday should be more meaningful.

In the suburbs of short trips, helping those who need our help, discovering their abilities is more important than playing games.




Is sports really good for our life? Many people like sports, but some people don't like sports because we can keep our bodies strong by exercising. In addition, we can interact with other people, so that we have the opportunity to learn how to cooperate and how to deal with difficulties and failures. Different people have different choices.

Some people think that exercise is not the only useful way. For example, it is also very important to have a balanced diet. We are easy to get hurt when we exercise.

In my opinion, I agree with the former. We should have sports. As the old saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack dull.




标签: 专八 英文 作文 真题 学校

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