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关于”介绍我的朋友比较级“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduce my friend。以下是关于介绍我的朋友比较级的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce my friend

My friend I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is a year old.

I am one year older than her. Her eyes are bigger than mine. Her hair is black and long.

My hair is several centimeters higher than her. Betty is about kilogram. I am kilogram.

So she is thinner than me. Betty is a beautiful and helpful girl. She often helps me with my English.

We will always be good friends friend.




My friend's name is Judy, she has a pair of big eyes, cm tall, white skin, black short hair, is a beautiful outgoing girl, but she does not like English and mathematics, she is taller than me, her eyes are bigger than me, my skin is blacker than her, my hair is longer than her, she is more beautiful than me, and my English is better than Judy, and my math is better than Judy.




Compared with my best friend, I prefer to exercise with him, I prefer to exercise with him, I prefer to play with him, he is more careless than I am, he has a much better appreciation of music, I will help him learn. I think our friendship will last for a long time.




标签: 中考 作文 万能 介绍 朋友

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