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关于”科技给你的生活带来了那些改变“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:What changes has technology brought to your life。以下是关于科技给你的生活带来了那些改变的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What changes has technology brought to your life

With the arrival of the subway, our future life and travel will be more convenient. The subway makes our way home more fun and more time to enjoy life. The construction of a perfect supporting circle of subway will make our life more comfortable.

The subway means that we can get to the subway in the simplest and fastest way through the city. Experts say that the subway can In order to reflect the three changes: convenient life, a kind of fun of life, a comfortable life, subway facilities will liberate people from inefficient travel, so that we have more time to taste the taste of happiness.




In this era of knowledge economy, it is no exaggeration to say that we have entered an information superhighway era with computers as the media. We deal with computers every day. Computers work and leisure.

Computers are inseparable from our partners. Since the computer can be connected to the network, the network has penetrated into our lives. While I can look up teaching materials and visit educational websites to learn computer knowledge, computers have changed my reading habits, forming the appearance of "classics" and "Encyclopedia".

She has always been very expensive, because the cost is not willing to buy today, and e-books have come out, Visiting the book fair is no longer a big paper bag to buy books. You can download and check it. It is very convenient.

Click the mouse and exchange teaching methods with network friends at will. As time goes on, I can improve my teaching level. I feel more and more that the glory and brilliance of the computer world.

In today's information age, computer network has enriched our life and brought great benefits to people then.




We all know that there are all kinds of machines. It's a magic machine. Most computers now have a memory processor that can store and retrieve information at any time.

The oldest computer is the abacus. It was used a long time ago in China. The first modern computer was very big and expensive, but now scientists are making smaller and cheaper computers, which are easier to use and work faster and faster.

Now computers can be used in many ways. They can do many kinds of work. They can be used in business and scientific research.

In some large factories, and in our daily life, we even can Playing computer games at home with it is becoming more and more popular for many people to buy computers today.





标签: 初二 英文 作文 真题 科技

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