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关于”禁毒“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Drug control。以下是关于禁毒的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Drug control

Drugs are not children's games. The United Nations Office on drugs and crime or the office on drugs and crime has selected drugs not children's games as the theme of their international campaigns. In order to raise public awareness of the destructive power of drugs and the social responsibility to care for the well-being of children, the latest statistics show that in the past few months, there have been one million people, or the global elderly population Percent of them took illegal drugs at least once, but what about children? Although there are few of them, national and international studies aim to show that children of all ages are affected by drug abuse and trafficking in street children, who work and live in harsh conditions and are as vulnerable as boys and girls whose family members trade in illicit drugs.

These children are not only affected by bad behavior, but also by violence related to drug use. In some cases, children have lost their parents and are now in the care of uncles, aunts or grandparents in school. Teenagers and peers may put pressure on their children to smoke and drink first and then try marijuana, and other types of drugs may follow.




With the development of economy, most people have some children's income. When people start to pursue more entertainment, their parents can provide them with everything they want. Some of them have crossed the limit line to do crime.

Many young people are reported to be collective drug addicts. Bad guys try to control these young people, so they lure them to take drugs to get more More profits. Once people try the taste of drugs is very dangerous, they are very difficult to get rid of drugs, drugs will only bring a negative side to people's lives, some people will even die for this, so a smart person will say no to drugs, the government has adopted strict legal control on drugs.




Animals are natural resources wasted by human beings in history. Animals were killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sports, just because they prevented thousands of animals from disappearing from the earth. Today, hundreds of animals are on the dangerous list.

In the United States, these animals are considered to be in danger. Why should people care about them? Because we need animals, because once they disappear, there are no more beautiful and interesting animals than this, so we should not do any experiments with them.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 万能 年级

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