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关于”你认为最有用的体育“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:What do you think is the most useful sport。以下是关于你认为最有用的体育的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you think is the most useful sport

A computer is a useful machine. It's one of the most important inventions. The oldest computer is the abacus, which was used in China many centuries ago, but the first large modern computer was invented in.

Now the computer is getting smaller and smaller. It can quickly solve mathematical problems. Many scientists believe that computers can do a lot of things now, but they can't do anything.

Who knows what kind of computer will be tomorrow? Computers will bring good or bad things to people. Today's scientists must decide how to use computers tomorrow. Invention is the most useful.





A telephone is an instrument that converts sound and sound signals into electrical pulses and transmits them through wires to different locations. Another phone receives electrical pulses and converts them into recognizable sounds, Alexander Graham When bell began to test electrical signals, he made the first telephone to transmit human voice electrically. Telegraph has become an established means of communication.

Although the telegraph is a very successful system, it has multiple Morse codes and is basically limited to receiving and sending one message at a time. Bell's extensive understanding of the nature of sound and his understanding of music enabled him to speculate on the possibility of transmitting multiple messages simultaneously on the same wire. Although the idea of multiple telegrams had existed for some time, bell proposed his own musical or harmonic method as a workable solution, and his "harmonic telegraph" was based on the principle that if notes or letters The tone of the horn is different, and several notes can be sent along the same wire at the same time.


电话是一种将声音和声音信号转换成电脉冲,通过电线传输到不同地点的仪器,另一部电话接收电脉冲并将其转换成可识别的声音,亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)在贝尔开始试验电信号时,制造了第一部电传输人类声音的电话,电报已经成为一种既定的通讯手段,尽管电报是一种非常成功的系统,它有着多道莫尔斯电码,基本上只限于一次接收和发送一条信息。贝尔对声音本质的广泛了解和对音乐的理解使他能够推测在同一条电线上同时传送多条信息的可能性,尽管多重电报的想法已经存在了一段时间,贝尔提出了他自己的音乐或和声方法作为一种可行的解决方案,他的“谐波电报”是基于这样一个原则:如果音符或信号的音调不同,几个音符可以同时沿着同一根电线发送。


As we all know, compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing are great inventions of Chinese people. Our ancestors created these inventions with their own minds. These inventions not only had an impact on our daily life, but also made contributions to the cultures around the world.

But as far as I am concerned, this is the most useful and practical invention for us. The paper we use now was first invented in the Han Dynasty. At that time, this invention did improve their writing ability If we didn't have paper, what would our life be like? In short, I think paper is the most useful invention.




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