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关于”电影变化“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Film change。以下是关于电影变化的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Film change

We have just done a "seat change" in our class. People laugh and cry. Because we can sit together, I want to sit with my classmates.

It's bad luck for you to study well and be sad because you don't like the next classmate. Ha ha, but I hold an objective point of view. We should get along well with each other in our class.

It's the same to exchange seats. If we only have one classmate Playing well and neglecting the other party, his ability to make friends is obviously very poor. In the future, he can never have a wide circle in society.

The seats are very small. It can reflect so many principles and give people profound enlightenment. We should have a positive attitude and make new friends, right.




Mr. and Mrs. Tim are invited to have a masquerade party at Holiday Inn on Friday, September 1.

I'd like to invite you to this event. I'll be very happy if you can come. I'll be there sincerely waiting for you, Mr.

Howard Binks.




Recently, I heard that a friend of mine wanted to change his major after one year's study. He found that he had no interest and motivation to study this major. It was unwise to change his major midway.

First of all, there were several shortcomings in changing major. Half of changing major means that we spent a lot of time, energy and money on the last major, but we did not fully grasp the whole knowledge of the major; Second, it takes a lot of determination to change majors in the middle of the way. Eventually, they will face pressure from others.

It may increase the financial burden of the family because we need to spend money. In addition, if we change our major midway, we will lose an opportunity to find out our potential lack of perseverance and willpower. In short, we are very difficult to succeed.

We do not advocate changing majors midway because Therefore, we'd better consider all aspects when choosing a major. In order to avoid changing the major midway after choosing a major, we should try our best to learn it well.




标签: 英文 作文 专业 满分 电影

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