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关于”现实的理想“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Realistic ideal。以下是关于现实的理想的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Realistic ideal

When we were young, many people asked about our dreams. Most of our answers were doctors, police, teachers, etc., but when we grow up, we must face the reality. Not everyone will realize their childhood dreams.

Some dreams are even unrealistic and can never be realized. We should first correctly treat the relationship between dreams and reality. Dreams are the spirit to encourage people to progress Power Napoleon once said: he is a bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general in the process of growing up.

When he encounters difficulties, he must give up his goal. At this moment, dream is the second. Reality is the reflection of the real environment.

Many people think that dream is heaven and reality is hell. But in my opinion, reality is a double-edged sword. When young people indulge in unrealistic dreams, I In my opinion, dreams and reality are both very important.

Young people can't ignore one of them. The most important thing in life is to face the changing society with a positive attitude and try to cultivate interest, which is easier to succeed.




We all have a lot of dreams. We want to travel around the world, taste all kinds of food, be an engineer and so on. We say this because we can't realize these dreams in a certain period of time.

We have to face the reality. It hinders us from realizing our dreams. In order to succeed, we need to find a balance between idealism and realism.

A society in which we can't give up its restrictions. If we realize our dreams at the cost of ignoring the status quo, we may eventually be able to Failure, your family is very poor, they can not afford to continue your further education, but you want to continue, so you choose to continue your further education. Finally, let your parents provide you with everything you need.

You will find that your parents can not meet all your needs. What should you do? Obviously, if we ignore the conflict between idealism and realism and fail in the end, then how to balance this conflict is a big problem that needs to be solved. I think that we must face the reality.

In the beginning, facing the reality does not mean giving up our dreams. We need to make a living. On this basis, we can't give up our dreams and face the reality in order to better pursue them The conflict between idealism and realism always exists.

Only when we deal with the conflict and find a balance can we succeed.




The gap between ideal and reality can narrow the gap between ideal and reality, but this is a problem many people want to solve. Only so few people can answer this question. Many people can't balance the relationship between ideal and reality.

Some people are lost in their dreams and never want to live in reality. They really don't know what they want. Maybe, they really have no goals, let alone life goals Some people don't know what they will do for so many of them.

They haven't realized that "human life is limited." the rest, a small number of people in this world, know what they want, what they should do, they have a plan to realize their dreams, or achieve their goals. We can see the difference between these three types of people. What is the principle of success To come true, everyone has his own dream.

Everyone is a great thinker. Everyone is a special person. He has his own responsibility to others.

You need to know that if you want to realize your dream, you need to help others realize their dream. Even though there is a big gap between your ideal and reality, the key to success is success. There is a way to solve it and make your ideal come true.

We should never give up our ideal. The process of fighting for our ideal is so meaningful for our life. One of the key elements of life is to strive to build our own life.

We need ideals because of it We can give us a direction, find our way to success, we should not ignore the importance of understanding the reality of life. In our ideal, there may be only one person, but in reality, we should communicate with different people and deal with many different things in front of us. Fortunately, there is a gap between your ideal and reality.

We can do our best Try to narrow the gap, although we still have a long way to go to the place of flowers and applause, we have the ability to do our best. Finally, I want to say that if you do the right thing, the right job, if you do the wrong thing, you may lose a lot of opportunities to get to where you want to be and succeed.




标签: 小学 作文 万能 理想

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