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关于”他还是个孩子的怎么成“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:He's still a child。以下是关于他还是个孩子的怎么成的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:He's still a child

This guy was lying on his deathbed, surrounded by his weeping wife and his four children, three of whom were tall, beautiful and athletic, but the fourth and youngest was an ugly dwarf. "Honey," the husband whispered, "promise me that the youngest child is really mine, and I want to know the truth before I die if his wife Tell me gently, I will forgive you "Yes, my dearest, absolutely no problem," he interrupted. "I swear on my mother's grave that you are his father." Then the man died happily, and the wife murmured, "thank God, he didn't ask about the other three.".




Defining a good person can offer many different definitions, depending on who you are. Similarly, in order to define a good parent, parents should have a foundation of love where they really care about their children. This includes giving children care and care, and parents must be able to create and maintain a good family.

The environment has the resources and money to support the child for many years after birth, which is only a small part of it. A good parent should also be a good person.





Encourage children to learn "it's a good thing to study hard, but what to do, don't let yourself too tired". This is what parents of children should say: learning, playing and health are all equally important to children. Let children feel care and encourage them to learn.

To encourage children to learn, we should be different from each other and have a clear understanding of the children's temperament so as to suit the remedy to the case.




标签: 英文 翻译 三年级 作文 真题

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