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关于”介绍学数学“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to mathematics。以下是关于介绍学数学的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to mathematics

My son, who was a freshman at Ball State University in mansy, Indiana, and failed in math, called home a few weeks after he started psychology as a sophomore. He said excitedly that the answer to my university life is not that grades are so important, but the quality of knowledge learned and the way of learning applied to daily life. I am very lucky to have these wonderful experiences.

What does it mean? I asked me that I had failed in math, and he replied.




How to learn English well dear Li Mingyou asked me how to learn English well yesterday. Now I'll tell you first that you should make you like it. No matter what you do, you should like it.

You should always ask questions. If you have any questions, but you don't ask your teachers or your friends, I think you are wrong. If you do, you will do well.

You should always use ita language, which is the language we use. It's your honor to use it to help you learn it well.




Afeb9ee7ad triangle isosceles triangle bottom vertex angle base angle right triangle hypotenuse corresponding side corresponding angle inverse theorem vertical bisector symmetry point axis symmetry quadrilateral convex quadrilateral diagonal polygon pentagonal parallelogram rectangle rhombus right angle symmetry trapezoid isosceles trapezoid area proportion section golden section similar figure similar triangle similarity ratio circle center circle radius circumference Chord diameter arc number main arc small arc semicircle segment circle sector circumscribed circle outer radius circumscribed circle inner circle concentric circle circle circle trajectory is reduced to the point of tangent of regular polygon geometry structure.




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