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关于”我最特殊的回忆“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My most special memories。以下是关于我最特殊的回忆的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My most special memories

There is a library in our city. It is the largest building in our city. There are story books, picture books.

You can also borrow some books about music and sports. I like reading stories, so I often borrow story books from the library. Each time we can borrow them for two weeks.

When you enter the reading room, there is a big reading room in the library. You can find these words on the wall: "knowledge is power" and "keep silent". We can read magazines and newspapers in the reading room, but we can't take them out.




Since I went to school, teachers have taught us lessons in the classroom. It seems that sitting on the chair and looking at the blackboard is the only way to acquire knowledge. But my new Chinese teacher showed me another way to learn knowledge last week.

My Chinese teacher asked us to write an article about environmental protection. When she asked us how much we knew about pollution, we shook our heads, and then she asked me We put the class in the reading room. We can read books and search information in the reading room.

It's too exciting for us. We like this special class. It's very helpful.




A special gift. Not long ago, I just celebrated my 11th birthday. I had a good time that day.

I received many gifts. All of them were my favorite. For example, lovely schoolbag, Grimm's fairy tale, hairy teddy bear and delicious snacks.

But my father gave me a special gift. It was a book called stray birds, which I had never heard of It doesn't seem as interesting as my Grimm fairy tale. My father told me that I would like this special gift very soon.

I think I will like this special book.




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