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关于”寄信“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Post a letter。以下是关于寄信的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Post a letter

There are many post offices in all the big cities in the world. Even the smallest village has at least one post office. You can go to the post office to post letters.

There are mailbox in every corner or third corner of all cities and towns. If someone wants a letter to be delivered to the address faster, any letter or small package with enough postage can be put in any mailbox, and he can buy one A special stamp, delivered directly by courier, not by an ordinary carrier.




All the big cities in the world have many post offices all over the city. Even the smallest village has at least one post office. You can go to the post office to send a letter.

However, there is a mailbox in every corner or third corner of all cities and towns. Any letter or small package with enough postage can be used. If a person wants a letter to be delivered to his address faster, he can Buy a special postmark and deliver it directly by courier rather than by an ordinary postman.




Mail a letter there are many post offices all over the city in all the big cities in the world. Even the smallest village has at least one post office. You can go to the post office to post a letter, but there is a mailbox in every second or third corner of every town.

Any letter or small package is enough. If a person wants a letter to get to his address faster, he can buy a special post Tickets are delivered directly by courier instead of ordinary postman.




标签: 七年级 作文 万能 格式 范文

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