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关于”最理想的方式“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The ideal way。以下是关于最理想的方式的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The ideal way

My ideal job is to be an English teacher to teach middle school students. Those young, active and simple students can easily get on well with them, make friends with them and make me young and happy. Even if they will do something wrong, as a teacher and friend, when they progress, I can help them patiently.

I should do this. Moreover, I have three months' vacation every year Spend more time with family. In my opinion, becoming an English teacher is the only way to deal with career and family well.




A good parent-child relationship should be based on mutual understanding and respect. Parents can't impose their own ideas on their children. They should treat their children as independent individuals.

Parents should learn to listen to their children's ideas and encourage them to think for themselves instead of making decisions. On the other hand, for the sake of children, children should listen to their parents' advice because they are more experienced. When parents have opinions, try to understand them.

All they do is out of love for us. It is necessary for children to exchange opinions with their parents from time to time, so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.





In my mind, a good girlfriend is unique. I don't mean that she must be beautiful or smart, because it doesn't really matter. I think she must have some good qualities, not the only beautiful face.

I think she should be optimistic when she is in trouble and persevere in everything. She should work hard and be kind to everyone. If she becomes my wife, the most important thing is that she should manage the housework and arrange everything well; secondly, she must have the ability to help me deal with some affairs and educate their children; thirdly, she should be able to get along well with my parents, which sounds a little difficult, but this kind of girl is worth having, and it is one of my dreams to marry such a wife.




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