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关于”描写天气很热“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:It's very hot。以下是关于描写天气很热的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:It's very hot

Weather is a collection of all phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interaction with the hydrosphere. The term usually refers to the activities of these phenomena in a short period of time (hours or days, rather than climate).

It refers to the average atmospheric conditions over a long period of time when unconditional use occurs. "Weather" is understood as the weather of the earth.




The weather is real. HoTI took an ice cream from the refrigerator, tasted the ice cream, watched TV while watching TV, took an ice cream from the refrigerator, tasted the ice cream and watched TV at the same time. weather[ˈweðr[r[712; We have weathered weathered weathered weathered weathered weathered weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered, weathered Today is the real coke oven.

Today is the real coke oven. Today is the real coke oven. Today is the real coke oven.

Today is today. Today, today, today, today, today, today, today, today, today, today, it's really hot outside. It's really hot.

Oh, my God, no one can stand this hot weather. It's ugly.


天气是真实的hotI从冰箱里取了一个冰淇淋,品尝了冰激凌,一边看电视一边看电视,一边从冰箱里拿了一个冰淇淋,一边品尝着冰激凌,一边看电视。weather[ˈweðr[r[712;我们ðr]nv weathers风化风化风化风化风化风化风化了took[tʊk k[tʊk]vTa k[t[t[k]vTa同时[æt tðse gm m taᠬm]今天是真正的焦炉它今天是真正的,今天是今天,今天是灼热的今天,今天是今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,今天,它真的外面热得像个烤箱,真的很热哦,天哪,没人能忍受这种灼热的天气,真难看。


标签: 托福 高分 作文 天气

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