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关于”我们的写得很好差“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Our writing is very good and poor。以下是关于我们的写得很好差的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Our writing is very good and poor

Today, I am very happy. After breakfast, I go to the park. It's a sunny day.

Birds are singing. When I get to the park, I'm singing. I see some girls playing games.

So I have a good time with them. Then I have lunch with my friends. We all have a good time.

Is today a happy day.




Do one thing at a time, do well, never forget to say thank you, move on, never give up something worth doing, something worth doing, believe in yourself, I can, because I think I can act more than eloquence, never say die, never put off what can be done today until tomorrow. The best preparation is to do what you can today to improve your past, but you can Once your future wastes time and life, knowledge can change your destiny, and English can make your future. If you want to succeed, don't pursue success.

Just do what you like and believe in, it will come naturally. On the surface, justice has a long arm and good people accompany you. You will be one of the top two kings who kill two birds with one stone Crazy, people suffer for it, because its king has long arms, knowledge is power, knowledge makes people humble, ignorance makes pride, learning and life learning makes good people better, bad people learn not to learn, and they don't know how to walk before you run.

Let bygones be bygones let sleeping dogs lie down and cats come out of bags. Lies never change the truth. Life with short legs is just life Half of life is not all roses before we know what it is.

Life without friends is like a rat hole in a mouse, like a writer, like a book like a father, like a child like a mother, like a woman like a teacher, like a student like a tree, like a fruit.




A passenger train moved slowly and finally crunched to a stop. A passenger saw a conductor passing by. "What's the matter?" She called out of the window, "cattle on the track." the conductor answered.

A few minutes later, the train resumed its slow speed within five minutes. However, it stopped again. A woman saw the same conductor walking past again.

He leaned out of the window and yelled, "have we caught up with the cow again?".




标签: 小学 高分 作文

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