The origin of human beings, as early as the Oligocene in the south, the ape Homo erectus is a morphological feature of Homo erectus, which is more advanced than Homo sapiens. However, compared with the primitive Homo sapiens, Homo erectus was once called ape man, including the significance of the intermediate link from ape to man. The early wise man, the later wise man, and today's wise man, dcred.
Naive commentators portray Cameron's commitment to an unrestricted referendum on EU membership after the next election as reckless, but it is not only politically significant, but also economically significant as part of a secret devaluation strategy memorandum submitted to Tokyo: the victory of the currency war belongs to the invisible man, Professor of history at Harvard University and author of the great degradation 》(Harvard) · a · (Lawrence A. tish).
Afghans Balboa bil Bolivar sedi CFAF cordobar cruzero darasi Dinar dirhamdobra US $East drachma EC US $Escudo Euro Florin forint Franc guldenkina Kip Koruna Krona Kwacha Kwanza Leu Lek Lempira Lev lilangeni lira Loti mark metallic naira ngulum ouguiya pa'anga peseta peseta Peso pound sterling prakuizalantriar rubrufifia lubuibi shekel shilling solnan feilant Sucre Swiss Franc Taka Tala Tugrik won yen vatu Zaire Zloty.
阿富汗人巴尔博亚比尔玻利瓦尔塞迪CFAF科多巴克鲁塞罗达拉西第纳尔迪拉姆多布拉美元东德拉克马EC美元埃斯库多欧元弗洛林福林法郎古尔登基纳基普科鲁纳克朗克朗夸查宽扎缅利昂leu lek lempira lev lilangeni lira loti mark metical naira ngultrum ouguiya pa'anga peseta peseta peso英镑英镑普拉奎扎兰特里亚尔卢布鲁菲娅卢比卢比谢克尔先令索尔南非兰特苏克雷瑞士法郎taka tala tugrik赢得日元元vatu zaire zloty。
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