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关于”倾斜写“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Tilt write。以下是关于倾斜写的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Tilt write

Hi, Xiao Ming, I heard you don't want to learn English recently. It's not good. Language is a tool, it can do a lot of things, such as weapons, radio, books, laptops and so on.

We can use it to enhance our strength, we can learn a lot of knowledge through it, we can use it to enrich our country. Mother tongue can let us speak a foreign language, English is a very important language, because most people in the world use English, especially the powerful countries almost use it, we must study hard to make our great country stronger in the world, we should love our motherland.





Dear sir, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your language school. I am now studying in the second senior high school of geyang city. I will graduate from here soon.

Please check my resume and my school report card for your reference. I also attached my qualification form. You will see my three years of high school study.

My application for admission will be approved by you. Really, dear Mr. Zhang Hua, thank you very much for your information and forms.

Now I will send you my completed application form, the recommendation letter from my previous school and the copy of my postgraduate certificate. I hope you can get your favorable comments as soon as possible.





Last Saturday, my best friend and I went to the new supermarket in town, because we decided to cook for the first time. We bought some tomatoes and eggs. Now you can guess what we are going to do.

Yes, we want to cook tomatoes and eggs first. We fry two eggs. After a few minutes, we put the diced tomatoes into the pot.

How delicious it is.




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