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关于”尊重老师的演讲稿“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Respect the teacher's speech。以下是关于尊重老师的演讲稿的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Respect the teacher's speech

Nowadays, many Chinese children don't respect their parents. When their parents talk to them, they will talk back. They curse their parents, speak ill of their parents, swear at their parents, yell at their parents.

Some even regard their parents as their enemies. Many children don't care about their parents' thoughts and opinions. They just do the opposite Respect their parents, or even give up what they want, just do not follow the parents' expectations.

Children's disrespect for their parents stems from their parents' being too strict with their children, and children are deprived of freedom and choice.




Nowadays, many Chinese children don't respect their parents. When their parents talk to them, they will talk back. They curse their parents, speak ill of their parents, swear at their parents, yell at their parents.

Some even regard their parents as their enemies. Many children don't care about their parents' thoughts and opinions. They just do the opposite Respect their parents, or even give up what they want, just do not follow the parents' expectations.

Children's disrespect for their parents stems from their parents' being too strict with their children, and children are deprived of freedom and choice.




Ladies and gentlemen, it has been two years since Mrs. Brown came to our school to teach English in September. Now she has successfully finished her work and will go home tomorrow.

Brown is very strict with us, very patient and never tired of helping us learn. Her teaching is so lively and interesting that we can easily remember what she teaches us. We all like to listen to her lectures.

On behalf of all the students, I would like to thank Mrs. Brown for her excellent work. I wish her a pleasant journey and good health.





标签: 四级 英文 作文 演讲稿 满分

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