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关于”我最喜欢的运动是排球“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My favorite sport is volleyball。以下是关于我最喜欢的运动是排球的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favorite sport is volleyball

My hobby is roller skating. I've been skating since I was a child. I can't wait to go skating on Saturdays.

When I was a teenager, it was every Saturday and Sunday. Now I travel around the country just to roller skate. I love meeting people from all over the world.

There are horse and PA rinks, which are open only on weekends, and state-of-the-art facilities, such as laser tags, soft games, video games, etc. It's a great exercise and great clean fun, and I'm proud to be able to turn this hobby into a career. My husband and I run a roller skating rink in New Jersey.

Yes, we even met at a skating rink.





I'm not interested in sports and I'm not good at swimming, but besides swimming, I can swim since I was a child. My mother told me that she asked me to swim in the water with a life buoy when I was a few days old. When I grew up, I could swim slowly.

I like swimming very much. I swim all year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable and can lower my body temperature, while winter swimming makes me feel excited and successful.

Swimming makes me feel depressed whenever I feel physically and mentally healthy. I will go swimming, and then I will be full of vitality and relaxation. And I believe that because of swimming, I am so thin who wants to lose weight.

Join me, we can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I can't wait It's going to swim, but it's ten o'clock in the evening. I'm going to bed.

Good night, everyone.




I am an active young student. I like sports. I like playing volleyball.

This is my favorite sport. I go to play volleyball with my friends every day. More exercise is good for our health.

Many people ask why I like playing volleyball. I say it can make me happy and make me grow longer. If you like to exercise, you can give me a strong body.

I like baseball because it can make me happy Because it's an attractive activity, it's a sport that benefits people of all ages. We can exercise, have fun and learn new skills while playing baseball. Basketball is good for people, so I love baseball.




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