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关于”教育是人类文明的体现“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Education is the embodiment of human civilization。以下是关于教育是人类文明的体现的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Education is the embodiment of human civilization

We are really happy that our city has become one of the civilized cities in our country. We should take the following actions to make our city better and more beautiful. First of all, we should protect our environment.

Our responsibility is to plant trees every year. Then we can have a better life. Water is very important in our daily life.

We save water every day. We can go to school by bike or walk instead of driving. We shouldn't throw rubbish in public places.

Shopping bags are best used when shopping. It's nice to see more and more people like to do this: let's work and go together.





Animals are friends of human beings, but human beings are not always friends of animals, especially wild animals. This is a grim era and situation for wild animals. Because of money, human beings are trying their best to get close to their goals, so as to make more profits.

This is a tragedy for wild animals, such as elephants, rhinoceros, seals, bears, snakes, they are facing human and The extinction of the environment (global warming, many of which are actually extinct) animals are not only friends of human beings, but also friends of the environment in which all life depends. However, due to human selfishness, we hunt animals for fur and clothing. In addition, due to the wild products of some wild animals, human beings kill each other and the life chain is unbalanced In order to maintain the balance of the life chain, we must protect wild animals to keep the balance of the life chain.

We must make laws to protect the endangered top predators, such as sharks, tigers, lions and crocodiles. We have to make tough laws against violators.




Now there are so many animals that make people happier in real life. Dogs are the best example, because many people believe that dogs are human's best friends. This is very true.

It not only entertains us, but sometimes dogs can actually help their owners do some work. When we are bored, we can take our dogs for a walk, we can play with them, mainly dogs They always listen to their owners. They are the most obedient pets among all kinds of animals.

They like dogs because they are cute. They make fun of us. Most importantly, dogs make people happier.

So it is not wrong to say that dogs are people's friends. In fact, they are the most closely related animals among all animals.




标签: 大学 小升初 作文 真题 人类

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