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关于”无障碍设施“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Wheelchair Accessible。以下是关于无障碍设施的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wheelchair Accessible

:,FairGood Fair: you may not provide enough concrete support and development for your main ideas. Your views may be difficult to understand because of how your article is organized, or you use language to express your ideas. Grammatical errors or vague use may make it difficult for you to understand the good use of English in your writing.

Sometimes it is not grammatical, unclear or logical The connection between legal statements or ideas can be stronger. Fairness: Good: fair good you agree or disagree with the following statements. The best leaders should spend more time listening to other people's ideas than putting their own ideas into practice.


:,FairGood Fair:你可能没有为你的主要观点提供足够的具体支持和发展,你的观点可能很难理解,因为你的文章是如何组织的,或者你用语言来表达你的想法语法错误或模糊的使用可能会使你的写作难以理解英语的良好运用这有时是不符合语法的,不清楚的或不符合逻辑的想法的阐述或想法的联系可能更强大公平:好:公平好你同意或不同意下面的陈述最好的领导者应该花更多的时间倾听别人的想法,而不是把自己的想法付诸实践。


At present, team cooperation is of great significance in people's life and learning. However, every corn has its two sides. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

No wonder some people think that team cooperation has more disadvantages than advantages. In terms of efficiency, with more people, we can complete a specific task more quickly. Through team cooperation, different people's abilities will be most abundant With the use of points, we have the opportunity to improve ourselves while cooperating with others.

However, critics don't think so. On the one hand, they claim that team work has more shortcomings. On the other hand, it is difficult for us to reasonably divide a work.

If someone does not do a good job in team work, the whole work will be delayed. Whether the team work is more valuable depends on what you want to do.




Obstacles to knowledge transfer knowledge transfer is very important, it leads our future, but sometimes there may be obstacles to hinder our way, making knowledge transfer very difficult. One of the obstacles is to mislead or confuse information, which is common in the stories or legends handed down from generation to generation, and sometimes occurs in some schools. We can solve the problem by providing students with the right information The barriers are crowded and there is no information to use.

Sometimes teachers tend to give students all the information, but they don't explain it at all. But most of the time, this happens to students themselves. The way to learn is to explain.

Interpretation is useful for everything in the world. There are many obstacles to knowledge transfer, but these two are the focus of educators.




标签: 英文 作文 真题 专业

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