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关于”热水烫伤处理“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Hot water scald treatment。以下是关于热水烫伤处理的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hot water scald treatment

When I was sick, the doctor always asked me to drink more water. Drinking hot water is the habit of most people. But my uncle told me that foreigners are used to drinking cold water, which is very different because I am very curious about the world.

I want to travel around the world one day.




In case of scald, don't panic at first. Don't rush to wash the thin clothes, such as T-shirts and silk stockings, with cold water immediately after cooling. In order to take off the skin beside the clothes carefully, so as to avoid blisters after tearing and burning, the purpose of cold water washing is to relieve pain and reduce swelling and exudation.

In order to avoid or reduce the formation of blisters, wash about half of them After hours or more, stop washing until you can't feel pain. Generally, control the water temperature at about centigrade to avoid frostbite of fingers. You can also use cold water bath to wash your face or not.

After drying, you can apply thin oil hydrocarbon, some blue, green oil and cream ointment, and apply appropriate dressings to prevent blisters However, only the face is exposed, do not have dressings. If blisters form, you can use a sterile needle to suck or cut a small hole to release the water into the liquid. If the blister has been broken, use the sterilized dry cotton ball to keep it dry.

The liquid water can not accumulate into lumps. If you burn from your finger, you can also soak it in soy sauce in the simplest way, or use a small cup of soy sauce to invade your fingers After about half an hour of pain, blistering and no scald, do not use or mercurous color tea purple Yao water to avoid observing the impact of large area or severe burns. In general, the patient should be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.




First of all, you have to be silent, because if you don't, you can't judge what's best. You have to put the affected area under slow running water for about a few minutes. Then, take your daughter to a doctor, who will tell you the severity of the burn.




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