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关于”学生睡眠不足“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Students lack sleep。以下是关于学生睡眠不足的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students lack sleep

With the development of modern society, more and more people can't sleep. Some people may eat some pillows, but they are almost useless. A famous doctor once said that if you don't sleep well, sleep problems will be an important problem.

You can't concentrate on everything, otherwise you will lose all interest. Sleeping pills can help you glide, but it can lead to many other changes in your body.




With the development of modern society, more and more people can't sleep. Some people may eat some pillows, but they are almost useless. A famous doctor once said that if you don't sleep well, sleep problems will be an important problem.

You won't focus on everything and you will lose all interest. Sleeping pills can help you glide, but it may bring many other changes to your body. On average% of people have problems.

It's useful to solve problems in a healthy way, such as exercise and good deals. So if you follow this advice, you will have a good figure and believe you can do it yourself.




Everyone needs sleep every day, but with the rapid development of society, most people have more and more things and less sleep time. Many people lack sleep for a short time. They may not realize the disadvantages of lack of sleep.

However, long-term sleep will bring them a bad side. Lack of sleep will cause harm. From the appearance of people, if they don't have enough sleep, they may not realize the disadvantages of insufficient sleep, It is easy to appear dark circles and bad skin, which will make people look less beautiful.

Second, lack of sleep is not good for the mental outlook. A person who lacks sleep always looks tired and unable to do the last thing. A long time of lack of sleep will have a bad impact on the mind, and their mind will always be unable to activate.




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