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关于”参观教堂感受“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Visit the church。以下是关于参观教堂感受的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Visit the church

On the other hand, it is an important St. Sophia Church in the modern history of Russia's invasion of Northeast China and the study of Harbin's urban history. It is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the Far East and the largest church in the Far East The main building has a standard large vault, red stone structure, tall, spacious Laos meters, covering an area of square meters, is a typical representative of Byzantine architecture, the church plane design for the East and West Latin cross, red brick walls are pure water, huge dome with onion dome, commanding a four wing tent of different sizes, master-slave layout, four floors are connected with stairs, left and right two There are four doors on the top of the side bell tower.

The seven copper rings are exactly seven notes. The well-trained bell ringer can beat the bell for a long time.




In classical times, this place was occupied by Nero's circus. Between mount Tiber and mount Vatican, Saint Peter's Prince of Apostles was martyred and buried here, where Pope anaklit had built a chapel or a simple shrine, where the Emperor Constantine replaced Constantine, the unlikely shrine )In Rome, a Constantine type basilica was built, which is in line with other Roman churches. Over the centuries, the original St.

Peter's Cathedral has been enriched with donations and updates from the Pope and generous princes. The crowns which were won by the third emperor of Charlemagne in the Church of the third emperor, Lord Lucius, were in the hands of the emperor. St.

Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican also has a collection of famous monuments, from Michelangelo's temple of St. Peter to the statue of St. Peter shown in the act of prayer, which dates back to Bernini's funeral memorial for the pope in the 20th century, city VIII, and Guglielmo della porta as Pope III The bronze tomb built by innocent VIII is part of the neoclassical Stuart monument of the original St.

Peter's Cathedral and Canova, and the basilica church.



梵蒂冈的圣彼得大教堂还收藏了一整套著名的纪念物,从米开朗基罗的圣彼得圣殿到《祈福法》中所示的圣彼得的尊像,这些都可以追溯到世纪贝尔尼尼为教皇举行的葬礼纪念碑城市八世(Urban VIII)和古列尔莫·德拉·波尔塔(Guglielmo Della Porta)为保罗三世(Pope Innocent VIII)修建的铜墓是原始圣彼得大教堂(Stuarts)和卡诺瓦(Canova)的新古典主义斯图亚特纪念碑的一部分巴西利卡教堂。


My grandmother believed in Jesus, so when I grew up, she went to church every week, and my grandmother took me to church. This building is very special. There is a huge statue in front of the house.

The big cross is an obvious symbol. Many people gather in the church and pray together. I feel peace here.




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