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关于”一个人出去旅游“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Travel alone。以下是关于一个人出去旅游的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel alone

Shame on the West African saying, "grow fat with a smile." other people can keep slim without any effort, but many people do get fat, they're overweight, and they don't like it. The question is, what do they do about it? Some people put their faith in exercise, but the problem is that exercise only causes appetite. Others believe that diet pills and special clothes can make you sweat if they work, but they don't believe that the only reliable solution is dieting, but what kind of diet is to believe in dramatic, radical attacks on their waistlines, no eating at all, and another The theory is that if you eat things like hard boiled eggs, skinned apples and lean meat, the more you eat, the thinner you get, because you use up all your fat to get energy to digest food.

For most of us, these methods are extreme or weird. The simplest system is to reduce carbohydrates, or, if possible, just take them fall.




Yesterday, my parents were not at home, I could only stay at home one day and one night. At first, I was very happy because no one would criticize my behavior. I could do anything I wanted to do, but later I felt very desperate.

No one cooked for me, asked me to do things or criticize me. I felt empty and desperate because the house was the only one. When night fell, I was afraid of computer games or Cartoons don't get my attention.

I hate living alone.




This is my friend. Her name is Judy. She thinks the most interesting class is music.

The most exciting sport is playing basketball. Her hobby is playing the piano. This is my friend.

His name is Jack. He thinks the most interesting class is music. The most exciting sport is playing basketball and playing piano is a hobby.




标签: 英文 三年级 作文 真题 个人

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