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关于”有关天气的小“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Little about the weather。以下是关于有关天气的小的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Little about the weather

There are many different climates in southern China. The temperature changes little in summer and winter, but the climate in the northern and central states is very different. People wear light clothes in summer, and heavy wool or fur clothes are needed in winter in Southwest China.

The climate is warm and pleasant in winter, but the temperature in summer in eastern China is not very fast. The temperature in summer is very different from that in winter It's cold in spring and cool in autumn.




There are many different climate types in the south of China. The temperature change between summer and winter is very small, but the climate in the northern and central states is quite different. People wear light clothes in summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothes in winter in the southwest.

In winter, it is warm and pleasant, but the temperature in eastern China is unpleasant. The temperature in summer is very different from that in winter, It is usually hot in winter and cold in winter. The temperature is comfortable and warm in spring and cool and pleasant in autumn.




In Britain, the weather is always a good topic. People's favorite topic is the weather. Friendly people always say that I like sunny days.

It makes me feel relaxed and happy when it is cloudy. The weather is cool and comfortable. I also like rainy days.

I will be glad to hear that rainy and snowy days give people the most beautiful world. Therefore, we should cherish what we have.




标签: 高分 作文 专业 天气

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