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关于”燕子迁移用表示“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Swallows migrate in。以下是关于燕子迁移用表示的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Swallows migrate in

Matt and his wife live in the country. Matt is very mean and hates spending money. One day, a market came to a nearby town.

Let's go to the market. 'we haven't been anywhere for a long time,' said Matt's wife. Matt thought for a long time.

He knew he had to spend money at the fair. He said, "OK, but I won't spend too much money. We'll look at things, but we won't buy anything.

They went to the market and looked at all the things to buy. Matt's wife wanted to buy a lot of things, but he wouldn't let her spend any money. Then in a nearby open space, they saw a small plane.

An interesting flight notice said that Matt had never been on a plane, he wanted to go to the same place On one interesting flight, he didn't want to pay for his wife. I only had $1. He told the pilot that my wife could go with me for free.

The pilot didn't sell a lot of tickets. So he said that if your wife didn't scream or yell, she could fly for free. Matt agreed, he and his wife got on a small plane.

The pilot took off and let his plane do all kinds of things. The plane was flying backwards when it landed. The pilot says K your wife doesn't make a sound, she can let her fly freely.

Thank you. Matt said it's not easy for her. You know, especially when she fell down, he noticed that stingy adj hated free adj to make a trade practice with someone Don't let his wife do a go to the market B buy anything C go to an interesting flight d eat at the market ③ Matt wants to buy something at fair a B fly C take his wife shopping d buy an airplane ④ why doesn't Matt's wife scream or yell on the plane a she fell off the plane B she didn't fly on the plane C she enjoyed flying d she wanted a free chance ⑤ so get out of the aisle We can see that a matt is very generous.

B Matt is very kind to her. His wife C. Matt's wife is very brave.

Matt is very mean.




飞机降落时飞机正在倒飞。飞行员说K你妻子没有发出声音,她可以让她自由飞行谢谢马特说这对她不容易你知道特别是当她掉下来的时候注意到吝啬的adj憎恨自由的adj和某人做个交易练习①马特为什么不真的想去集市A他不喜欢集市B他妻子不想去C他不想花任何钱D去集市的路太远了②Matt为什么不让他的妻子做A去集市B买任何东西C去一个有趣的航班D在集市上吃东西③Matt想在公平A买一些东西B搭飞机C带妻子去购物D买飞机④Matt的妻子为什么不在飞机上尖叫或叫喊A她从飞机上摔了下来B她没有坐飞机上去C她享受了飞行D她想要一个免费的机会⑤所以从通道我们可以知道A Matt非常慷慨B Matt对她很好他的妻子C马特的妻子很勇敢马特非常吝啬①C②B③B④A⑤D。


My family is going to move tomorrow. All the things in the house should be packed, such as TV, furniture and other things. So after we packed our bags, although it was very tired, it was already seven o'clock.

However, once I was very excited because I knew that I would move to a new residence tomorrow.




Dolphins are my favorite animals. They are one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long.

About one dolphin lives in the sea. They live on fish and shrimp. They are very friendly and peaceful.

They never attack people. In the past few years, they have saved many people in danger. How clever the dolphins are, they are often trained to hold a dolphin show that brings happiness and joy to people.

Unfortunately, due to water pollution, the number of dolphins is becoming less and less, and the living space of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don't protect them, our good friends in our school days may lose.

I hope more and more people should take action to protect dolphins.




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