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关于”对成绩看法“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Views on achievements。以下是关于对成绩看法的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on achievements

We all know that marks are not everything. Marks are very important to a student. Because it is the most important to look at students' academic achievements, so every student studies very hard.

In order to get good marks, most people think that marks are the first. But I don't think that marks can reveal a student's academic achievements to some extent. They are not All, some students concentrate on their studies but can't get good grades.

Some students cheat in exams. The scores they get are as important as scores. We can't regard them as everything.




The world famous Spanish painter Picasso once said: my mother said to me, if you are a soldier, if you are a monk, you will become general s, you will become Pope, I am a painter, and become Picasso. This is an inspiring quotation from the artist, it shows the importance of foresight, foresight is a person to pursue a solid dream, make him/ She can eventually achieve certain achievements. To succeed in a vision, she does not need to be a noble person.

As long as she overcomes her fear and learns to swim, as long as she adheres to the vision and fights to the end, he / she will surely succeed. If you look at Picasso's example, he or she is bound to succeed, rather than aiming at the dream of becoming a general or a pope. According to his vision, once the direction is set, he successfully becomes Picasso and strives to become a career, which guarantees that every effort is used and provides courage to overcome any obstacles.

Diligence means not only hard work but also intelligence, it requires Therefore, I think foresight and diligence are both important to success. The former is the driving force of success, and the latter is the process of success.




A successful man's life is successful, he lives very well, often laughs, deeply loves the pure woman's trust, the intelligent man's respect, the children's love, these children filled his vacancy, completed his own task, he was better separated from the world than he found, whether through an improved poppy flower, a perfect poem, or one He never lacks appreciation of the beauty of the earth, or fails to express its soul. He always seeks the best from others and gives them the best he has. His life is an inspiration, and his memory is the blessing of Bessie Anderson Stanley.




标签: 中考 英文 作文 万能 看法

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