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关于”写商务“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write business。以下是关于写商务的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write business

Can I help you? Can I help you / what can I do for you? What can I do for you? What shirt (pen) do you want? What size (color, variety) do you want this size (color, variety) you want this size (color, variety) ok? What else do you want? I'm looking for a red coat. What do I want I want to buy a pair of sunglasses. I want a pair of black trousers.

Can you show me a shirt? Can I have a look at that shirt? I'm just browsing / can you show me what I want? It's too expensive. Can you make it cheaper? Can you make it cheaper? how much do you need? May I see it? Can I try on the one over there? What color do you want / what color do you want? What size do you want / what size do you want? Please give me the green coat. It's nice and warm.

These pants are very popular now. How much do you like this style? How much is the color? What's the price? Please take it. I'll buy it.

Here's the money. Thank you. Can / can I help you find something special? We have a clearance sale.

The price will come down today. I heard that other stores have greatly reduced the price of this product. Please try it on.

I've seen it cheaper in other places. Can you lower the price? I'll take this one. If it's cheaper, the price is a little higher, you know What size are you? I'm afraid we don't have that item.

I'm afraid we don't have it in stock. Where is the men's clothing store? Do you have this one in blue? How do you pay in cash, check or charge? How do you pay in cash, check or charge? Take your receipt to the customer service and they will refund it. Can you give me the invoice.




The man I know is my uncle. My uncle once liked to help others. I went to play with my classmates.

I saw my uncle holding an old woman. The old lady accidentally fell down. My uncle went to the grandmother and picked up the things on the ground and said thank you to the old lady.

The young uncle said no thank you. Another time I went to the park and saw my uncle holding a blind man, he crossed the road I will send you across the road, the blind man said yes, after crossing the road, thank you, uncle let him take you home, the blind said thank you for coming to the blind people, the blind said whether to eat here, uncle brother said no, this is my uncle, he likes to help others, I must want to learn from him.




A salesman and the owner of a motel had a bad chat, saying that the motel owner was "really bad, but every time I drive by here, you have the sign of" no vacant room ". The salesman said it was true, and the motel owner replied that it was true, but I only turned away the door in the past night. Motel n turned around N was empty n practiced TF ① a A motel is a motel.

The salesman is arguing with the owner of the motel. When the owner of the motel says business is bad, the salesman doesn't believe him. Every time a salesman drives past a motel, the motel is only half full.

The owner of a motel used to keep ten people away.




标签: 初一 高分 作文 商务 范文

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