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关于”写一篇圣诞节“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Write a Christmas Story。以下是关于写一篇圣诞节的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a Christmas Story

David, the little drummer boy, grew up in the kitchen of the inn. His father was the owner of the inn. His mother cooked.

David's sisters cleaned the room. His brother swept the stables. David liked to sing songs that he could sing for his mother.

When his mother cooked, David made up songs and beat the pots and bowls. His mother laughed and said to him, "one day you will sing in the temple, my son 。” His mother said, David grinned at his mother's temple.




Write a letter to you in the past. Is there a person you want you to thank for his kindness to your life? You had a quarrel with an old friend and hoped to reconcile a person you had never told me that I love you. Now is the ideal time for you to grab a pen and write a note to tell them.




When Rome was a great empire, ruled by Caesar Augustus and Israel by King Herod, there lived Joseph in the village of Nazareth. Mary Joseph was a carpenter and Mary was a virgin. He wanted to be his wife.

Mary told Joseph a dream in which an angel came to visit her and told her that she had been chosen to give birth to the son of God, whose name was Jesus. One day, the Emperor gave a notice that everyone should register a new tax. They were ordered to go back to the town where they were born.

Joseph and Mary left Nazareth and went to Bethlehem. Mary was pregnant and was about to give birth. They rode on a donkey.

Joseph walked beside her for many days and did not rest until evening. When they arrived in Bethlehem, it was one night, they were looking for a place to rest, but there was no room available. When they were driven away, Joseph mentioned that his wife had children and was close to the birth of the inn owner.

The innkeeper sympathized with them and told them that there were some caves in the nearby mountains where the shepherds would stay with their cattle and sheep. Joseph and Mary went up the mountain and found a cave in a cave. It was a stable room.

Joseph cleaned it and made a bed of fresh hay. He found a feeding trough. He cleaned it up and filled it with hay.

The next night Mary used it as a crib and gave birth to a son. They named him Jesus. As the angel said, when the baby was born, a giant star appeared over Bethlehem, which could be seen in the fields a few miles away.

The shepherd is tending the sheep. An angel appeared in front of them, surrounded by bright light. The shepherd was afraid and wanted to run away.







标签: 中考 英文 作文 真题

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