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关于”拒绝做低头族“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Refuse to be a bow head。以下是关于拒绝做低头族的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Refuse to be a bow head

As we can see, smart phones are playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. It has affected us a lot, especially in our communication. Because of playing with mobile phones, more people become stupid.

They do nothing but bow to play with mobile phones. It's addictive. Many people spend too much time on the mobile phone, they have no time to interact with people in real life, which leads to the lack of communication ability in reality.





As we can see, smart phones are playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. It affects us a lot, especially in our communication, because playing with mobile phones, more people become stupid, they do nothing but bow to play with mobile phones. It brings us addiction, many people spend too much time on the phone, they have no time to communicate with people in real life, which leads to the lack of communication ability in reality.

When we become more and more indifferent, a lot of bad things will happen. We have to talk with people and cultivate our ability to communicate in reality.




In the past, if I had to take my eyes off my mobile phone, I felt like I was dying when I was having lunch with my family or dating with friends. I couldn't help answering a text message or checking my Facebook or wechat on my mobile phone. The more text messages I sent in a day, I easily felt tired, my sleep was poor, and I couldn't even concentrate My friends told me that those who check their phones all day long are called phubber pubbing trend.

Not only young people, but also the elderly will soon join in. I noticed that an activity website called "stop hooliganism" has been launched. I found that the slogan of this website is: "stop twitter, stop publishing photos, enjoy food, enjoy music, respect your Thank goodness, I realized there was actually an outside world, and my distraction would keep me away from the things that really matter now.

I could use my cell phone instead of feeling like a junkie. I had more time to enjoy real-life activities, use your mobile phone, don't let it use you.




标签: 中考 英文 作文 万能

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