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关于”一个一个来的怎么成“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How did you come one by one。以下是关于一个一个来的怎么成的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How did you come one by one

He is my favorite singer. His name is Robbie William. She is an Englishman who sings for life, love and dream.

I like him because I think I can gain strength when I get lost in his songs. When I encounter difficulties, I need some support, I will listen to his voice, he always sings all kinds of songs, like him, singing all kinds of songs.


他是我最喜欢的歌手。他的名字叫Robbie William。她是一个英国人,他为生活、爱情和梦想而歌唱。



Dear Mike, I wonder if you can lend me your English Chinese dictionary and I will return it to you in three days. Now I am translating an important English article into Chinese, but I often encounter some English words, so I have to turn to the British and Chinese restaurants for help from time to time, but my dictionary is missing. I will take good care of your dictionary.

I won't thank you very much.




Love or friendship in college, friendship between boys and girls is very common. The difficulty is how to deal with personal contact between different genders. The key is to distinguish between love and friendship.

Friendship is the basic need of human feelings. Friendship may lead to love, but love does not necessarily come from friendship. Love is the basis of love.

Without friendship, love is selfish and exclusive It is unselfish and extensive. It doesn't have to be reciprocated, but friendship needs a contradiction and exchange. I believe in pure friendship between sex.

Sometimes, the power of friendship exceeds the power of love. In this world, there may be misunderstandings, rumors and even slanders about heterosexuality. There are many unexplained things.

Action is better than eloquence.




标签: 高一 英文 翻译 作文 万能

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