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关于”水的循环“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:water circulation。以下是关于水的循环的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:water circulation

A long time ago, there was a small water drop in the East China Sea to listen to the story of the East China Sea. My grandfather emphasized that it knew that the East China Sea was separated by several miles. It could not be described by a vast sea.

It was high enough to describe the depth of the East China Sea. Therefore, it asked Donghai grandfather, "why is the East China Sea so wide and so deep?" he told it: "I have another drop of water, and many of my partners are daytime Night after night, we kept gathering the mire together to form a small partner. It turned into a small stream.

But we kept on moving forward. The beauty poured into it. Later, it became a river.

Finally, many rivers gathered together. It became the sea and formed the "little drops" of the East China Sea. He asked, "we really have so much power to turn into streams and rivers into rivers into the sea." "Of course, you can't turn into a small river, so you can also become the sea and merge into the sea.

Don't forget the existence of small water drops and the power of small water drops can't be ignored. But they are the source of our life. Without it, we would not have" the little water drops in memory of grandfather in the East China Sea, and finally become the famous South China Sea[ http://wwwzidianwangcom/zuowen : https://wenwensogoucom/login/redirecturl=httpAFFwwwzidianwangcomFzuowen.


很久以前,有一个小水滴在东海听东海的故事爷爷强调,它知道东海用的是几里之隔,不能用一个浩瀚的大海来形容,用高到足以形容东海的深度,因此,它问东海爷爷:“东爷爷为什么那么辽阔的东海那么深”东爷爷告诉它:“我又多了一滴水,我和许多伙伴昼夜不停地把泥潭聚在一起结成一个小伙伴,它变成了一条小溪但我们不停地前进,美在不断地倾注着,后来成了江河最后很多河流汇集在一起,它变成了大海,形成了东海的“小水滴”问道:“我们真的有那么多的力量可以化作溪流,变成江河入海”东爷爷回答说:“当然不能变成小河流水,所以你也可以变成大海,融入大海,不要忘了小水滴的存在,不可忽视小水滴的力量,但它是我们生命的源泉,没有它,我们就不会“小水滴在东海缅怀爷爷,终于成了著名的南海[http://wwwzidianwangcom/zuowen: https://wenwensogoucom/login/redirecturl=httpAFFwwwzidianwangcomFzuowen。


Water can change from one form to another. The heat of the sun makes the water in the oceans, rivers and lakes evaporate, and the heat also causes the water on the ground, animals and plants to evaporate, forming clouds in the air. When clouds get close to mountains, they are forced to rise, and as the clouds rise, they are cooled.

The higher they rise, the more they cool, which causes more and more water vapor to condense in this way, Small droplets of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger until they become heavy enough to fall on the earth with the rain; some of the rain that falls on the earth evaporates again, some goes underground, and may deplete plants because of thirst. It may reach a well or a spring. Most of the water goes back to rivers, oceans and oceans, and then starts again.

This process is called For water circulation.




Water circulation starts in liquid form, which is known as water. When water in lakes and oceans is heated, it will turn into steam. Water vapor cools and forms clouds in the sky.

There is too much steam in the clouds to hold. When it rains, water will flow back to lakes and oceans, and water will be ready for the next trip.




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