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关于”祝贺他人找到工作“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Congratulate others on finding a job。以下是关于祝贺他人找到工作的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Congratulate others on finding a job

Congratulations on your appointment as deputy manager of an import and export company. You are efficient and diligent. I believe you can do well in the company.

I hope everything goes well with you. I hope to hear about your promotion soon.




If you find it difficult to find a job, try expanding your job search plan to include the following strategies. Set your goals, and you should always keep your options open. You should also make sure that your goal is the job you want.

An interview for a particular job will be more than an occasional schedule. Use every possible way to get an interview. Use search companies to provide advertising.

Contact the company directly. Even if a job is not suitable for you, every interview can be regarded as a positive experience. Even if someone doesn't hire you, you can give it to him They write a thank-you letter, thank them for the interview, and then send a brief resume in a few weeks.

This letter explains that you haven't found a perfect position. If you have applied for the position or other vacancies, you can interview again. You should do this for every position you interview.

You may just want to take a break and treat it as your full-time job. You can't find a job Once in a while, if you're unemployed and looking for a job, you'll have to find a full-time job. If you're looking for a job, spend as much time as you can on an organized schedule that maximizes your search time network vertically during the research phase of your job.

Talk to people who are higher than you at the level you expect. They have some insight that people at your level don't have, and they'll hire you or recommend you for the job. Keeping your mental state and looking for a job is one of the hardest things you have to do.

Keep your self-confidence, stick to it and think positively, and eventually you will find a job that suits you.





What are your advantages? I think I am an open-minded person, talkative, easygoing, lovely, kind-hearted and love life. My advantage is that I don't want to see other people's positions not very good. I just think she is not very good.

I think everyone is Sami, and I never despise others. I like to help others. I don't think that we don't need help from others.

Even if you die, if you live, you should also be a helper because others will help you.




标签: 雅思 英文 作文 万能 工作

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