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关于”猫和老鼠的动画“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Cat and mouse animation。以下是关于猫和老鼠的动画的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cat and mouse animation

^^Maybe most people will love mice more than cats after watching TV programs, but I love cats more. First of all, catching mice is the natural responsibility of cats. Cats are not the culprits.

Cats are also lovely. They are not smart enough, but they have compassion. Moreover, they are loyal to their owners.

Therefore, I prefer cats^^.




One day, the cat was in the basket. He was very lazy. He was sleeping.

Now the cat's food was next to the cat. A mouse was very hungry. The cat's food was so delicious.

The cat woke up and he was behind the mouse. He wanted to catch the mouse. So he was chasing the mouse.

The mouse was afraid that he would jump on the door. But the mouse was very unhappy. The mouse couldn't run into the hole.

The cat was very unhappy go.




The cat and Michaelis Brown went to visit one of her friends, holding a small box with a hole in the top. "What's in your box?" asked her friend "a cat." Mrs. Brown replied, "you see, I dream of mice at night, and I'm afraid that the cat will catch them." but the mice are just imaginary, "the friend said," so are cats, "and she whispered brown.




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