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关于”我喜欢的一首歌“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A song I like。以下是关于我喜欢的一首歌的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A song I like

People you love http://mpbaiducom/mtn=baidump3&ct=&lf=&rn=&lm=1&li=&word=the+one+you+lovelenn+frey I know you need a friend, someone you can talk to, who can understand what you're going through in love. There's no simple answer. You can say what you're going to do.

I heard you answer his phone and say you're not alone, but you'll call him soon, Is it the person he made you cry? Isn't he the one who makes you sad? When you remember those nights in his arms, you know you have to make up your mind, are you going to stay with the one who loves you, or to come back to the one you love? Someone will cry when they lose you, someone will thank you for the stars (Music) when he comes, what will you say? There is no simple way to see through all the broken dreams and all the disappointments. Oh girl, what are you going to do? Your heart has been saying that it is unfair, but you still have to make up your mind, are you going to be with the people who love you or return to the people you love Around? Some will cry when they learn that they have lost you, and some will thank the stars above.




My favorite song came home from school one day. I turned on my MP3 player to enjoy it. But of all the songs, I like English classic songs, especially "put me in my heart".

It sounds like a good thing, with beautiful melody and moving lyrics. This song is about the love between a boy and a girl. The boy's love for the girl is so deep that he can even dedicate his heart to the strong woman.

The girl doesn't seem to understand the moving part of his story. Whenever I hear this song, I am very moved. I hope I am the boy in the song.




Oh, you say you know what you mean. My love is too much for you. I have to agree with you.

Saying that you know you doesn't mean my love is too much for you. I have to agree with music. Oh, you know you don't mean my love is too much for you.

I have to agree with you. I say you understand what you mean. I love you too much.

I have to agree with music.




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