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关于”以我的房间摆设写一篇“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Write an article with my room furnishings。以下是关于以我的房间摆设写一篇的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article with my room furnishings

I have a clean and beautiful bedroom. As you can see, my bedroom has a bed, a desk and so on. There are many books on my desk.

I like my bedroom very much. Can you tell me if you have your bedroom.




My room I'm not rich, but I'm not so poor as to buy a small house. I personally think that the small house is very good. You know what's going on all the time.

My house is very small, and my room is also very small. You may think that the small room is bad. They are only suitable for the loser, but I think the small room is very comfortable, just like mine, with the bed beside and the book on the other side.

My closet is next to my book. Guess my computer is next to it. It makes people outside can't see what I'm doing, so now no one knows what I'm doing behind the closet.

People say home, warm home, but I'm talking about room, my sweet room, the wall color is pink, there are teddy bears of all sizes, so if you close your eyes and walk into my room You think it's a fairy tale world.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题 房间

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