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关于”第一次上“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:First time。以下是关于第一次上的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:First time

Sir, "Oh, thank you for your kindness." One day, I saw an old man in his sixties on the street. He was carrying a big plastic bag with several bottles in it. "We went to his house together.

I spoke to him politely. He looked at me with a smile. We became good friends.

Do you want me to carry this heavy bag for you, my child? Therefore, I went to him without hesitation.




When we went to school, the teacher told us that children should not lie to their parents, but I never listened. I remember the first time I lied to my mother, I told her that I needed some money to buy a book. I didn't tell her the right money.

I asked her to give more than I needed. My mother knew, and then I regretted and said sorry. I never lied to my mother.




Last week, my teacher suggested that we take part in the Christmas show. It's a very big show. My friends plan to sing a song in the performance.

I'm really happy for them because they formed a good band. Then my friends invited me to join them. They said that they seemed to me to practice drums well at first.

I was shy and refused because I had never performed in public, so my friends Convince me that it was the first time, so I decided to join them. The good news is that although I was nervous on the Christmas show, I worked well with my friends and we did it successfully.




标签: 大学 初三 英文 作文 万能

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