关于”撒哈拉沙漠“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:sahara desert。以下是关于撒哈拉沙漠的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:sahara desert
The Sahara desert was formed about a million years ago. It is the second largest desert in the world after Antarctica, and also the largest desert in the world. It covers an area of 10000 square kilometers.
It is located in the north of Africa. The climate is very bad. It is one of the most unsuitable places on earth for living creatures.
"Sahala" is Arabic transliteration, and "Sahara" is a big desert, which originated from when The Tuareg language of the nomadic people, meaning "great desert".
"Sub story" is a story with a series of deserts as the background. Because it attracted the attention of a magazine, Sanmao went into the monotonous Sahara desert and took a backpack to look for the beauty of living in the desert. Every story in the book is filled with exotic romance and passion.
The lines reflect the topography and unique customs and practices of the desert.
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