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关于”维护版权“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Maintain copyright。以下是关于维护版权的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Maintain copyright

Chris March of Motion Picture Association of America, which MPAA is trying to delete March said the intellectual property owners association (IPO), a trade group, warned U.S. negotiators that an agreement could set a dangerous precedent and that while the treaty would have little impact on Hollywood, it was concerned that unclear provisions could be abused by the fair use provisions of the treaty in favor of other existing rules that stipulate that The situation should not affect the normal use of the works, or unreasonably harm the interests of the owners, that is, the European business lobby group wrote to the European Commission to try to postpone the signing of the contract. Hollywood also has the support of foreign friends: norrywood in Nigeria and Bollywood in India.


美国电影协会(MPAA)试图删除的美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America Motion Picture Association)的克里斯·马奇(Chris Marchich)说,知识产权所有者协会(IPO是一个贸易组织,它警告美国谈判代表美国专利局,一项协议可能会开创一个危险的先例,尽管该条约几乎不会影响好莱坞,但它担心不明确的条款可能被滥用条约中的公平使用条款,更倾向于其他现有规则,这些规则规定特殊情况不应影响作品的正常利用,或不合理地损害所有者利益,即欧洲商业游说团体,写信给欧盟委员会试图推迟签约好莱坞也得到了外国朋友的支持:尼日利亚的诺利伍德和印度的宝莱坞。


Copyright is a legal concept, which is promulgated by most governments. It grants exclusive rights to the creators of original works. It is usually "reproduction right" in a limited period of time.

However, it also gives the copyright owner the right to copyright the work and decide who can adapt the work to other forms and who can execute the work. It is a form of intellectual property (such as patent, trademark) And trade secrets), applicable to any form of expression of substantive and discrete ideas or information.




In recent years, the news that the United States launched attacks on China's Internet is common, which has triggered many discussions in China. Therefore, in today's rapid development of the network, we must first take measures to protect our privacy and property security from my point of view. We should draw people's attention.

We should not only not provide them at random on some strange websites, but also distinguish right from wrong among many websites. In addition, it is inevitable to install some safe anti-virus software, which will make the network more stable. To be independent, the government needs to formulate some policies to maintain the national network security, which involves deep-seated cause exploration, creative solutions, training high-tech talents, and strengthening supervision.

Although scientists can not completely solve this problem, they need to formulate some policies to maintain the national network security How to protect our country's network security has carried on the massive research, however, the network security consciousness should not only be this, we should enjoy the convenience which the network brings.




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