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关于”我想发明什么“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What do I want to invent。以下是关于我想发明什么的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do I want to invent

To sum up, the author only makes groundless accusations and does not provide any real support for his argument to make the argument convincing. The author must provide evidence that Mayor Durant approved a wrong bridge design or an unqualified construction company, which caused bridge damage and traffic problems. The author should also provide proof that the damage to the bridge was unusual and that insufficient building materials or poor design were the direct result of Mayor Durant's decision.




I want to invent a pen. "This pen is different from other pens. First of all, it has more functions.

The ink of the other pen is limited, but the ink is infinite. How long can it be? And this pen is a light pen. As long as there is a little light, whether in the daytime or in the moonlight, another pen can be used as a kind of writing.

Finding a pen that can draw Geji, I will be different now There is a red button on the tip. As long as you press the tip of the pen, it will become a small correction pen machine. It is not as long as other pens.

It is really a God. It is made of steel, but what is not important is that the powder will not fall off and stick to your hand if you add a layer of golden powder to its periphery. A dazzling light will have a yellow button in the pen at night You know why I invented this pen because my father is not at home and works in Guangzhou.

My mother often takes care of me and my father wants to work with it. So I want to invent this pen and give it to my father to relax. I believe I will find this way in the future Pen of convenience.




My invention I'm going to invent a time machine, because it's a dream of my life. Time machines allow people to go back to the past to prevent disasters. However, this machine may be abused by people, create chaos in our world, and even completely change our history.

Safety features are essential to my invention. The invention of time machine in the future will bring more benefits to mankind.




标签: 英文 五年级 作文 真题 年级

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