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关于”线上支付的优点缺点“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of online payment。以下是关于线上支付的优点缺点的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of online payment

Bill Gates once said that in the 21st century, or e-commerce, or there is no business to serve Ma Yun once said, I am very cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is better, the vast majority of people die tomorrow night, the day after tomorrow you can not see the sun, if today you are still trapped in the coffee shop, if you say that today you do e-commerce or a joke to let others deceive, then I I believe that in five years, you will regret that your prediction is being confirmed by the times. In fact, e-commerce has become the choice of more and more enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.




A few years ago, individuals could only take classes in the real school, that is, only if they went to school by themselves, could they take the courses they wanted. However, in recent years, with the development of the Internet and education model, online teaching has become more and more popular. This teaching mode means that students only need to sit in front of the computer at home, which attracts many people.

It is generally believed that online teaching has obvious advantages. First, all people can use the Internet to share resources. This function can bring significant benefits at the same time of cost, especially for those who can't afford so many courses in real schools.

Second, online teaching enables people to learn at their best speed according to their own schedule.




The advantage is to set prices more than store promotions, especially in Hong Kong or some tourist cities, where hotel prices are day by day, so if you are sure that a good trip to these cities is best to pre book online, do you have several points to go to shops and houses because it has been called a money disadvantage: cancelling travel is, if temporary, some hotels won't. A refund or a partial charge is not a full refund.




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