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关于”写人工智“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Write artificial intelligence。以下是关于写人工智的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write artificial intelligence

The future trend of computer science is a kind of artificial intelligence. It is the research and artificial simulation of human thinking. Ultimately, it can make human like to use the same machine to serve mankind and help people solve problems.

Human personality is diverse, which is difficult to realize in machines. It is the only kind of artificial intelligence, just like human thinking machine Through the research of artificial intelligence, we can solve various scientific problems and promote the development of other sciences. Artificial intelligence is the best in my opinion.

Artificial intelligence science is waiting for human beings to explore its real connotation step by step.




One of the development trends of Computer Science in the future is artificial intelligence, which is the research and artificial simulation of human thinking. Ultimately, it can make human like to use the same machine to serve human beings and help people solve problems. After all, people think that it is unique, emotional, and has a variety of characters.

It is difficult to realize mechanically, and it should be like human thinking machine Artificial intelligence is the only kind of artificial intelligence. It can not solve all kinds of scientific problems and promote the development of other sciences through artificial intelligence research. Artificial intelligence is the best in my opinion.

Artificial intelligence science is waiting for human beings to explore its real connotation step by step.




I think "artificial intelligence" is a very good movie, and I'm sure it's a little different from Kubrick's idea, but he and Spielberg have worked on this film for a long time, and I like the questions it raises, such as, as, as a being, do boys and robots have real feelings, or are they programmed, but we as human beings, we have real feelings The emotions they "program" in our genetic code, society, and other factors from an interesting movie, absolutely a thinking person's movie interesting question, by Haley Joel osmette's performance is excellent and the supporting actors are equally good, the depiction of the future is also a bit frightening, but also very attractive, especially when I watch the movie with my brother At the end of the movie, his first word at the end of the movie was "wow". He only said that for movies, he really likes people who like science fiction and movies that make them think they will see this for sure. Even if you are not as impressed as I am, you will find that some parts of video are very attractive.




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