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关于”一次难忘的事情“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:An unforgettable thing。以下是关于一次难忘的事情的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An unforgettable thing

In the summer vacation, I will go to Jiuzhaigou with my parents. My father is very strong. He took us to Huanglong Mountain.

We stood on the top of the mountain and saw a beautiful scenery. The water flowed down from the mountain. There are more than 200 pools on the hillside of the mountain.

In the sun, the water in the pool twinkles like stars in the sky. It's really beautiful. It's a unforgettable journey.




An unforgettable traveller plans to visit the interesting place in Shanghai. P, we are taken to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, a famous tourist attraction. Every LIPSIT of Shanghai is a magnificent building situated in Pudong New Area.

It is the tallest building, so it is easy to see this building, even if you have several times we get it. On the tower of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, we saw a charming river outside the window, including the Huangpu river. I was suddenly moved by the builders, putting their souls and energy on this building.

The landmark of the city is a journey I will never forget..




I was born in May. Every birthday I receive gifts from my parents and friends, such as toys, candy and books. But this birthday is different.

On the morning of my 14th birthday, I get up earlier than usual to make breakfast for my parents. I want to give them a surprise. This is the first time that I get up earlier than my parents to make breakfast for them.

When they see what I have done for them, I will never forget Their smiling faces.




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